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  4. Consumer Literacy for Kids: Teaching and Learning with Activities, Information, and Resources

This new HTML site provides all the content offered by Admongo.gov in a format that is accessible to those who use assistive technologies. It also is a useful tool for kids, parents and teachers who want direct access to the information presented in the Admongo game.

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Teach kids practical lessons about money and business in a fun and familiar setting.

Advertising is everywhere — online, on billboards, television…any place where we get information. Knowing how to identify advertising and understand its messages helps young people become more informed, discerning consumers. Admongo teaches fun lessons, features teaching tools for educators and parents.

Worksheets and Presentations



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Competition? Mergers? Supply and Demand?

Video Playlist

Public Downloads

All items are free to view, share, and download.

Public Downloads - Español (Spanish)

When available, we provide all our content with a Spanish version in our public download section. You can find additional material from sources listed in all our articles.

Video Playlist: Biz Kid$ (TV Series)

Biz Kid$ is a national financial education initiative based on an Emmy Award-winning public television series about kids, money, and business.

Using a clever blend of entertainment and education, each Biz Kid$ episode shows kids how to make and manage money by introducing concepts of financial literacy and entrepreneurship. To keep young viewers engaged, the series includes a fast-paced mix of direct education delivered by young actors, sketch comedies, animation, and stories featuring real life young entrepreneurs.

Biz Kid$ Resource Spotlight: Games
Who says fun can’t be educational? From the entrepreneurial values in...
Biz Kid$ Resource Spotlight: Teachers Forum
Like a digital teacher’s lounge, the Biz Kid$ Teacher Forum is a...
Biz Kid$ Resource Spotlight: BK in the Classroom
Mapped to national and state standards, this is a program created to...
Biz Kid$ Resource Spotlight: Family Activities
Believing that financial literacy education begins in the home, Biz...
Biz Kid$ Resource Spotlight: Life On The Edge
What's more exciting than the game of life?! This simulation activity...
Biz Kid$ Resource Spotlight: Blog
Featuring compelling explanation of relevant current events and...
Biz Kid$ Resource Spotlight: Community Toolkit
For community leaders and volunteers looking to incorporate financial...
Biz Kid$ Resource Spotlight: Business Plans
Our clearly written and professionally designed business plan templates...
Biz Kid$ Resource Spotlight: Piggy Bank Hunt
Designed for large group participation, the Piggy Hunt is an adventure...
Biz Kid$ Resource Spotlight: Spanish Language Lesson Plans
Bring invaluable financial literacy and entrepreneurship content into...

Biz Kid$ Resource Spotlight: Games

Who says fun can’t be educational? From the entrepreneurial values in our “Dollar a Glass” and “Bring Home the Bacon” games to the personal finance lessons in “Break the ...



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