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  5. First Aid Treatment Steps to Common Injuries and Emergencies

There are first aid emergencies that you may encounter in or outside the home, office or outdoors. Download brief explanations, posters, and guide for injuries to first aid when it’s needed.

National Safety Council - Emergency Medical Response

The NSC Quick Reference Guide is a vital reference tool used extensively throughout the Emergency Medical Response course, but it is also available to anyone who would like first aid guidance at their fingertips. It provides a list of abbreviations and memory aids, as well as an illustrated summary of treatment steps for various illnesses and injuries.

NSC is excited to offer students – and the general public – this portable, digital version of the guide. It contains the same need-to-know content as the traditional guide, but in a convenient, always-with-you electronic format. It's free and can help you save a life.

The app is now available from the App Store and Google Play. Search "National Safety Council" to find and install the app.

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First Aid Training

A simple injury could turn into something much worse if no proper First Aid is administered. With at least a basic knowledge of First Aid and how to use First Aid Kits, you can save lives.

First Aid is care you can offer a person before they receive expert medical help. It’s vital, especially if there are injuries caused by accidents or emergencies that needs immediate and effective response.

First Aid is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

Read More: First Aid A-Z

First Aid Tips Everyone Must Know

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