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  5. Call 2-1-1 Free Service Information and Resources Available 24 Hours a Day

United Way 2-1-1 is an easy-to-remember, three-digit number that families and individuals can call to obtain free and confidential information on health and human services and resources within their community.

Call Referral Center or Search Online

2-1-1 is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

2-1-1 offers information on a range of services, including childcare, counseling, education, emergency preparedness, employment, energy assistance, food, health care, housing, legal help, parenting resources, transportation and much more.

What role does 2-1-1 play in the event of a disaster?

In the event of a natural or public disaster, 2-1-1 serves as a means of collecting and disseminating information on resources and post-disaster assistance.

2-1-1 has multilingual speakers on staff and also uses an interpreter service.

pdf2-1-1 An Easy-to-remember Three-digit Number to Obtain Free Services and Resources

mp42-1-1 Dial if you Need Help and Non-emergency Information



United Way 2 1 1

In an Emergency, Dial 911 or Your Local Emergency Number Immediately.

 Public Downloads

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Public Downloads - Español (Spanish)

When available, we provide all our content with a Spanish version in our public download section. You can find additional material from sources listed in all our articles.

Video: Danger Rangers

Seven animal heroes called the "Danger Rangers," their robot Fallbot, and their artificial intelligence called SAVO teach children about safety through examples, such as environmental hazards and unsafe places.

Read More: Wikipedia


Danger Rangers Fire Safety App
Danger Rangers: Use that Crosswalk Sing-Along
For more fun and games with the Danger Rangers visit: www.dangerrangers.com
Kitty's Surprise Birthday!
Happy Birthday Kitty! Kitty's Birthday is September 10th! For more fun...
Danger Rangers Music Video: You've Got to Think of Everyone Else
Danger Rangers: Learn to Swim Sing-Along
For more fun and games with the Danger Rangers visit: www.dangerrangers.com
Danger Rangers: Stay Calm Music Video
For more fun and games with the Danger Rangers visit: www.dangerrangers.com
Danger Rangers: Never Mess Around with Fire Music Video
For more fun and games with the Danger Rangers visit: www.dangerrangers.com
Danger Rangers: Common Sense Sing-Along
For more fun and games with the Danger Rangers visit: www.dangerrangers.com
Fallbot Forget Me Not
Episode 115: Fallbot Forget-Me-Not When Fallbot blows a circuit board...
Mission 547: Safety Rules!
Episode 116:Mission 547: Safety Rules! The Danger Rangers each receive...
Kitty's Surprise Party
Episode 114: Kitty's Surprise Party The Danger Rangers celebrate...
Dog Days
Episode 110: Dog Days Everything is "going to the dogs" at the local...

Danger Rangers Fire Safety App

Download our latest Fire Safety App for Apple iOS and Amazon Kindle! Full of games, stories, music videos and full length Danger Ranger episodes.


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