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The Affordable Care Act (ACA), which is officially called The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and most often called, ObamaCare, is a US law that reforms both the healthcare and health insurance industries in America. President Obama's Statement on the Supreme Court Affordable Care Act Ruling — “I am not the first President to take up this cause, but I am determined to be the last.” The aim was simple: That every American could share in the promise of quality health care.

The Affordable Care Act helps to reform the healthcare system by giving more Americans access to quality, affordable health insurance, and helps to curb the growth of healthcare spending in the U.S.

ObamaCare Facts: Dispelling the HealthCare Myths

  • Obamacare Basics
  • What Has Changed With Obamacare
  • Obamacare Rate Updates By Individual State
  • Reasons To Enroll With A HC.gov Approved Broker

Read More obamacarefacts.com

The groundwork was laid over nearly 100 years: Other administrations — from Presidents Truman to Nixon to Clinton — have tried and failed to immortalize this principal into American law.

Then, after nearly a century of work, an improbable piece of legislation with a lot of heart behind it ended its journey on the President's desk on March 23, 2010.

Since then, health reform in America has been the law of the land and after more than five years under this law 16.4 million Americans have gained health coverage. 129 million people who could have otherwise been denied or faced discrimination now have access to coverage. Health care prices have risen at the slowest rate in nearly 50 years. And it will live on as a legacy achievement not just of this administration, but of all those who fought for it for so many years.

For millions of Americans, health reform has meant finally having access to the preventive services that will keep them — and their families — healthy for good. In the day-to-day, that means getting regular check ups and screenings. In the long run, it means safeguarding against chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. (Learn about other preventive services here.)

Transcript for Remarks by the President on the Supreme Court's Ruling of the Affordable Care Act
