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  4. Puppets and LEGO®
  5. LEGO® Star Wars: Han Solo

The focus of these films is the animation of plastic building toys, or bricks (including LEGO, Mega Bloks, Best-Lock, and more).

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mp4LEGO Star Wars Han Solo
Size 10.88 MB

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The content is free of known copyright restrictions under U.S. copyright law.  publicdomain

LEGO® Playlist

August 2018 - The NEW LEGO® Creator Expert Vestas® Wind Turbine

Made with a plant-based material sourced from sugarcane, the bioplastic collection is the first step towards the company’s goal to produce all of their products and packaging with sustainable material by 2030.

  • VIDEO: The World's LARGEST LEGO® Wind Turbine
  • VIDEO: The LEGO® Group Helps Power Renewable Electricity
  • VIDEO: LEGO Plants Now Made from Real Plants - LEGO Group
  • VIDEO: Lego Creator Expert 10268 Vestas Wind Turbine Speed Build


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