Apr 01, 2016 · Mississippi joins Louisiana, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Texas and Mississippi as states that celebrate Confederate Heritage Month, alternately known as Confederate History Month.
The divisions began in 1860 when Abraham Lincoln, who opposed the expansion of slavery, was elected as president of the United States. Seven of the eleven states in the south who declared their secession from the United States did so before Lincoln took office. Southern states maintained various concerns regarding political ideals, property and homes, protection for their families, and economic loss.
Video: About the Term Freedman
Compromises regarding slavery, especially its extension to the new western territories, became more difficult to achieve. Social, political, and economic power was at stake for both the north and the south. It is estimated that more than 600,000 soldiers died during the American Civil War and about 260,000 of these were Confederates. In addition, an unknown number of civilians died in the hostilities.
Video: Freedmens Schools during Reconstruction
White teachers—mostly women—dominated Virginia freedmen's schools during Reconstruction, but African Americans eventually won the opportunity to teach in black schools.
Home of the American Civil War
CARPETBAGGER, a political slang term for a person who stands as a candidate for election in a locality in which he is a stranger. The term was first used in the western states of America of speculative bankers who were said to have started business with no other property than what they could carry in a carpetbag and absconded when they failed. The term became of general use in American politics in the reconstruction period after the Civil War, as a term of contempt for the northern political adventurers in the South who, by the help of the negro vote, gained control of the administration.
Information and Resources
The Archives holds a wealth of material documenting the African American experience, and highlights these resources online, in programs, and through traditional and social media.
Discovering the Civil War Special Exhibit
In the National Archives'-produced video short "Discovering the Civil War" the creators of this exhibition share little-known facts and extraordinary discoveries found in the incomparable Civil War holdings at the National Archives. These stories are for the first time in this exhibition, the most extensive display ever assembled from these records. The video also features rarely-seen original footage from Civil War reunions in 1917 in Vicksburg, MS, and 1938 in Gettysburg, PA.
There is a companion online preview exhibit – Discovering the Civil War. Especially useful if you won’t be able to see the exhibit in DC or truly want to get a preview of what you will be seeing.
The spring edition of Prologue focused on the Civil War. Prologue magazine brings readers stories based on the rich holdings and programs of the National Archives across the nation—from Washington, DC, to the regional archives and the Presidential libraries.
Prologue on the Civil War: Special Issues
Prologue magazine brings readers stories based on the rich holdings and programs of the National Archives across the nation—from Washington, DC, to the regional archives and the Presidential libraries. Access many of articles online.
Prologue was published quarterly by the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for nearly 50 years. The Winter 2017–18 issue was the last printed edition.
Freedman African American Research
The Freedman's Savings and Trust Company and African American Genealogical Research
The Life of Freedman's Bank
The Demise of Freedman's Bank
The Lasting Impact of Freedman's Bank
The Financial Panic of 1873
Freedman's Bank and Family Histories
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