This is the story of the boy who wrote beautiful songs. Schubert was extremely prolific and died at age thirty-one. His output consists of over six hundred secular vocal works, seven complete symphonies, sacred music, operas, incidental music, and a large body of chamber and piano music.
Thomas Tapper (1864 - 1958)
The Child's Own Book of Great Musicians was a series of short books for children about famous composers. Thomas Tapper, who worked for the music publisher Theodore Presser, wrote them. These books came as loose pages that were designed to be cut up, put together, and personalized by children.
Genre(s): Arts, Biography & Autobiography
Stories of Great Composers for Children
This is a collection of twelve (ten audio and two text only) short, entertaining, informative picture-book biographies of famous composers. Each book tells about the childhood and great achievements of a composer, and includes a short musical example.
We include music resources in the public domain or otherwise freely available for printing and performing.
Bach Beethoven Chopin Grieg Handel Haydn |
Liszt Mozart Schubert Schumann Verdi Wagner |
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