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  4. Agility Astro-Course

In this activity and video, NASA astronauts and an astronaut trainer show you how to improve your agility, coordination and speed by completing the Agility Astro-Course.

mp4Agility Astro-Course
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These "mission assignments" for students, available in English and Spanish, give detailed instructions for each activity as well as more advanced challenges, related NASA facts and safety guidelines.


Mission Handouts

Train Like An Astronaut is inspired by First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative, dedicated to solving the challenge of childhood obesity and encouraging families across the country to commit to living healthier lives. Living and working in space requires NASA astronauts to be fit and eat right in order to perform at a high level.

Through the use of the astronaut exercises, children across America can train like an astronaut to reach their personal health goals. NASA supports the First Lady's cause and is excited to contribute to a healthier lifestyle for all Americans.

agility astro course 226

pdfAgility Astro-Course Mission Handout
pdfAgility Astro-Course Mission Handout - Spanish

UPDATE: STEM UK has launched a brand new website for The International Challenge for Mission X. The USA program has stopped and is now archived on the NASA website.

Mission X: train like an astronaut is an international educational challenge, focusing on health, science, fitness and nutrition, which encourages pupils to train like an astronaut.

Astro Charlie the Mission-X mascot. Teams of children exercise to earn points during their school lessons. These points are converted into steps that will virtually take Astro Charlie to the Moon, 478 million steps from Earth. Astro Charlie fitness

Train Like an Astronaut is inspired by First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! initiative, dedicated to solving the challenge of childhood obesity and encouraging families across the country to commit to living healthier lives. Living and working in space requires NASA astronauts to be fit and eat right in order to perform at a high level.

Through the use of the astronaut exercises, children across America can train like an astronaut to reach their personal health goals. NASA supports the First Lady's cause and is excited to contribute to a healthier lifestyle for all Americans.

The International Challenge for Mission X

Mission X Train Like an Astronaut is a free educational program developed by space scientists and fitness professionals working with astronauts and space agencies across the world.

Mission X uses the excitement of space exploration to inspire students to learn about science, nutrition, exercise and space! It is aimed at students aged 8 to 12 but the activities can be adapted to suit other ages.

The international challenge for Mission X runs each year from January to May. During the challenge, countries from across the world encourage their students to complete the mission challenges. Each country is made up of teams who complete activities and track their points. At the end of the mission, all of the submitted points help the Mission X mascot, Astro Charlie, walk to the Moon!

Get started by downloading the Welcome Guide (for teachers).

2019 STEM Learning in UK

USA 2011-2018
About Mission X: Train Like an Astronaut

Mission X: Train Like an Astronaut program was active from 2011-2018

About Physical Activities

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