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  3. The Playground Is for Everyone

Ty and Jojo are told by Lance to keep off the climbing bars. Zack, who recently watched a classmate take a stand against bullying, reminds everyone that it's important to share. Mr. Ortiz takes notice, and reinforces the message that bullying ishttp://localhost/boworld/index.php/en/stop-bullying-animation-downloads/4162-stop-bullying-now-the-playground-is-for-everyone not ok.

mp4Animation Stop Bullying: The Playground is for Everyone
Size 3.54 MB


Watch these videos to learn how KB, Josh, Milton, and their friends deal with kids who bully. After watching each video, take a quiz to see how much you know about bullying.

Things Kids Feel - Children Affected by Bullying with the KnowBullying App by SAMHSA

About KnowBullying

KnowBullying by SAMHSA is a free app that encourages conversation between you and your children. The time you spend will build their self-esteem and help them face bullying—whether they are being bullied, engaging in bullying, or witnessing bullying.

Download SAMHSA App

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