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  4. National Volunteer Week Activity Downloads
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Event title National Volunteer Week Activity Downloads
Occupation Mid to late April - no fixed calendar date
April 21, 1943
Event description

National Volunteer Week community service activities, diversity activity guides and activities to build empathy and community. Free activity book downloads are both challenging and fun for children, students, and adult learners. All educational activities features coloring pages, solving puzzles, matching games, completing word searches, and much more, are free to view, share and download.

pdfAbout United Nations Activity Guide
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pdfAbout United Nations Day and UN Charter Activity
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pdfIntroduction to the United Nations Educational Activities and Lesson Plans for Students
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National Volunteer Week is an annual celebration observed in many countries, to promote and show appreciation for volunteerism and volunteering. In the United States, it is organized by the Points of Light foundation, and in Canada by Volunteer Canada. It is held in those two countries in mid to late April. In New Zealand and Australia, it is held in May. In the UK, it is held in the first week of June.

The Points of Light Global Network includes innovative volunteer-mobilizing and community service organizations who serve more than 145 affiliates across 39 countries around the world. Together we offer creative, impactful and inspiring ways for people to take action and engage in their communities. See the difference we make.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Source Points of Light
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Global Youth Service Day (GYSD), originally launched and known as National Youth Service Day in the United States, is a coordinated annual event which voluntary gathers young people around the world in conducting community service, service learning, and youth voice activities that benefit their communities, their countries, and the world. Activities are organized in more than 100 countries each April to help mark the celebrations, and engage millions, making it the largest annual celebration of young volunteers.

Youth Service America (YSA) is a resource center that partners with many other organizations who are committed to increasing the quantity and quality of volunteer opportunities for people that are currently between 5 and 25 years of age. Their aim is to serve both nationally and internationally.

International Volunteer Day, commonly known as IVD, is celebrated on 5 December every year. It started as an international observance mandated by the United Nations General Assembly in 1985. It is a day where volunteers are acknowledged and the spirit of volunteerism is promoted at the local, national and international levels.

List of youth organizations

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If everyone volunteered, the world would be a better place.  Imagine more than eight billion of us volunteering. Limitless possibilities for sustainable development – food and education for everyone, clean environment and good health, inclusive and peaceful societies, and more.
- United Nations
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