Marcus Eli Ravage began his transformation from “alien” to American. It is the free American who needs to be instructed by the benighted races in the uplifting word that America speaks to all the world. Only from the humble immigrant, it appears to me, can he learn just what America stands for in the family of nations. The alien must know this, for he alone seems ready to pay the heavy price for his share of America. (Summary from the Introduction)
Marcus Eli Ravage (Revici) (June 25, 1884, Barlad, Romania – October 6, 1965 Grasse, France) was a Jewish American immigrant writer who wrote many books and articles about immigration in America and Europe between the world wars. Best known for his autobiographical book An American in the Making (1917), he is also known for his 1928 article, "A Real Case Against the Jews," which the Nazi German propaganda ministry and others down to the present have used as evidence that the world is dominated by Jewish conspirators.[1] He was also a biographer of the Rothschild family as well as of Napoleon's second wife Marie Louise.
Genre(s): Biography & Autobiography
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