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  5. Fables in Rhyme for Little Folks

Jean de La Fontaine is known above all for his Fables, which provided a model for subsequent fabulists across Europe and numerous alternative versions in France, and in French regional languages. La Fontaine fables were regarded as providing an excellent education in morals for children.

Jean de La Fontaine (1621 - 1695)
He was the most famous French fabulist and one of the most widely read French poets of the 17th century. According to Flaubert, he was the only French poet to understand and master the texture of the French language before Hugo.

Genre(s): Animals & Nature, Poetry

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pdfFables in Rhyme for Little Folks by Jean de La Fontaine with audiobook recording
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pdfFables in Rhyme for Little Folks by Jean de La Fontaine with audiobook recording CD case insert
zipFables in Rhyme for Little Folks by Jean de La Fontaine with audiobook recording mp3

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Recording links

  • Play recording online
  • Internet Archive Page
  • Online text
  • Wikipedia
  • M4B format available

LibriVox recordings are Public Domain in the USA. If you are not in the USA, please verify the copyright status of these works in your own country before downloading, otherwise you may be violating copyright laws.

The content is free of known copyright restrictions under U.S. copyright law.  publicdomain


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