A quiet cathedral town in England, full of gossips and people who are not quite who they seem to be, is the setting for this murder mystery. A book written by Joseph Smith Fletcher, one of the leading writers of detective fiction in the "Golden Age".
J. S. Fletcher (1863 - 1935)
He was a British journalist and writer. He wrote more than 230 books on a wide variety of subjects, both fiction and non-fiction. Fletcher was born in Halifax, West Yorkshire, the son of a clergyman. He was educated at Silcoates School in Wakefield. After some study of law, he became a journalist. His first books published were poetry. He then moved on to write numerous works of both historical fiction and history, many dealing with Yorkshire, which led to his selection as a fellow of the Royal Historical Society. In 1914 he wrote his first detective novel and went on to write over a hundred, many featuring the private investigator Ronald Camberwell. He was married to the Irish writer Rosamond Langbridge, with whom he had one son.
Genre(s): Detective Fiction
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