A collection of twenty stories featuring ghoulies, ghosties, long-leggedy beasties and things that go bump in the night. Expect shivers up your spine, the stench of human flesh, and the occasional touch of wonder.
Various Authors
- 01 The Mystery of Joseph Laquedem by Sir Arthur Thomas Quiller-Couch
- 02 The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe
- 03 The Oval Portrait by Edgar Allan Poe
- 04 On the River by Guy de Maupassant
- 05 The Valley of Spiders by H. G. Wells
- 06 The Imp of the Perverse by Edgar Allan Poe
- 07 The Eyes by Edith Wharton
- 08 Let Loose by Mary Chomondeley
- 09 August Heat by W. F. Harvey
- 10 Eleonora by Edgar Allan Poe
- 11 The Black Cat by Edgar Allan Poe
- 12 The Tell-Tale Heart by Edgar Allan Poe
- 13 Shambleau by Catherine Lucille Moore
- 14 The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe
- 15 The Foot of the Mummy by Théophile Gautier
- 16 The Truth about Pyecraft by H. G. Wells
- 17 The Realm of the Unreal by Ambrose Bierce
- 18 The Stolen Body by H. G. Wells
- 19 The Premature Burial by Edgar Allan Poe
- 20 Dracula's Guest by Bram Stoker
Genre(s): Horror & Supernatural Fiction, Short Stories
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