The Goop Directory of Juvenile Offenders Famous for their Misdeeds and Serving in a book of poetry on the Goops. The poems describe some significant ways unthoughtful or unkind child could offend polite society and often offering the hope that the listener would never behave that way.
Frank Gelett Burgess (1866 – 1951)
He was an artist, art critic, poet, author and humorist. An important figure in the San Francisco Bay Area literary renaissance of the 1890s, particularly through his iconoclastic little magazine, The Lark, he is best known as a writer of nonsense verse. He was the author of the popular Goops books, and he invented the blurb.
In this DIRECTORY you'll see just what you never ought to be; and so, it should direct your way to Good Behavior, every day. The children of whose faults I tell are known by other names, as well, so see that you aren't in this group of Naughty Ones. Don't be a Goop! (The author's introduction)
Genre(s): Children's Fiction, Humorous Fiction, Poetry
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