The stories were collected directly from the African-American oral storytelling. Remus' stories featured a trickster hero called Br'er Rabbit (Brother Rabbit), who used his wits against adversity, though his efforts did not always succeed.
Joel Chandler Harris (1848 - 1908)
An American journalist, fiction writer, and folklorist best known for his collection of Uncle Remus stories. Harris led two professional lives: as the editor and journalist known as Joe Harris, he supported a vision of the New South with the editor Henry W. Grady (1880-1889), stressing regional and racial reconciliation after the Reconstruction era. As Joel Chandler Harris, fiction writer and folklorist, he wrote many 'Brer Rabbit' stories from the African-American oral tradition and helped to revolutionize literature in the process.
Genre(s): Humorous Fiction, Animals & Nature
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