The ultimate goal is to hit 5–10% of the $20s in circulation, putting the number into the millions, "at which point it would be difficult to information about the project and Tubman’s legacy, figured out how to make and sell bulk stamps - available on Etsy - with funds going to the Southern Poverty Law Center, and urged others to download their own stamp on Thingiverse because "the impact of seeing the face of Harriet Tubman staring back at you from a $20 bill should not be underestimated." And yes, it's legal.. Read More:
Elijah Cummings - “Harriet Tubman fought to make the values enshrined in our Constitution a reality for all Americans – and it is far past time that we recognize her place in history" - to the right-wing Cato Institute, which praised her "courage in fighting and breaking unjust laws."