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A public service announcement about the SAG-AFTRA Foundation's signature children's literacy website Storyline Online featuring actor Eva...
Behind every ad there is someone who wants you to take a specific action. Companies often advertise their products and services to influence you...
Advertising is a way to send messages to an audience. The message could be to buy a product, support a cause, or think favorably about something....
Admongo shows kids how to identify ads, as well as advertising methods and techniques. Using Admongo and its supplemental materials gives your...
Having an "aducation" means understanding the true messages behind advertising. Admongo teaches this to kids in a way that's fun, interactive and...
Misleading ads can sound pretty plausible; learn how to sort out fact from a fib. The Federal Trade Commission deals with issues that touch the...
Martha tells the story of her life in the animal shelter. Before she was adopted, Martha considered all of the possibilities--maybe she would...
Every kid – including the one inside each of us – needs imagination and curiosity about the world. The HiHo kids show and tell each other...
Have you ever gotten your real life mixed up with your online life? Faud Paw did, and wow, did it cause a problem! After she got invited to light...
Children and adults learn digital literacy skills and stay safe online. You are free to download and share our list of learning activities....
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